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The colourful waterfront houses of Bryggen

Norway’s 8 UNESCO World Heritage sites

A guide to Norway’s UNESCO World Heritage sites

Published on 13 Nov 2023

Norway’s landscape is a powerful symphony of natural beauty and human ingenuity, a fact celebrated through its eight UNESCO World Heritage sites. Each site offers a unique window into Norway’s soul, from its wild natural frontiers to its rich cultural tapestry: 

  • Bryggen
  • Urnes Stave Church
  • Røros Mining Town and the Circumference
  • Rock Art of Alta
  • Vegaøyan - The Vega Archipelago
  • Struve Geodetic Arc
  • West Norwegian Fjords - Geirangerfjord and Nærøyfjord
  • Rijukan-Notodden Industrial Heritage Site


Date of inscription: 1979

Bryggen, the old Hanseatic wharf in Bergen, stands as a vibrant testament to the maritime commerce that once dominated northern Europe. Dating back to the 14th century, these emblematic wooden buildings, with their gabled facades facing the harbour, have survived numerous fires, each reconstruction faithfully respecting the original urban layout.

As you stroll through the narrow alleyways and overhanging galleries, you are transported to a time when Bryggen buzzed with the activities of German Hanseatic merchants. This historical site not only showcases Norway’s robust trade history but also symbolises the resilience of its people in preserving cultural heritage. Despite the ravages of time and nature, Bryggen remains a lively and colourful component of Bergen, offering a unique glimpse into the past and maintaining a continuous thread of Norway’s merchant history into the tapestry of the modern world. 

Urnes Stave Church

Date of inscription: 1979

The Urnes Stave Church, perched on the serene shores of Lustrafjorden, is a remarkable relic of medieval architecture. This 12th-century structure, the oldest of Norway’s stave churches, showcases a unique blend of Christian iconography and Viking tradition, reflected in its exquisite wood carvings that depict entwined animals and elaborate patterns. Its enduring timbers rise in harmony with the surrounding landscape, a testament to the fusion of human artistry and natural beauty.

The church’s significance lies not only in its age but in the survival of its distinctive style, an evolution of Viking woodcraft into Christian symbolism. The ancient walls of the Urnes Stave Church resonate with the echoes of centuries of worship, standing as a solemn guardian of history and a masterpiece of Scandinavian wooden architecture that continues to inspire awe and reverence in the hushed light of the fjord’s edge. 

Røros Mining Town and the Circumference

Date of inscription: 1980

Nestled in the mountainous region of central Norway, Røros Mining Town and its Circumference are a rare window into a bygone era of mining history. Dating back to the 17th century, this UNESCO World Heritage site embodies the robustness of a community that thrived on copper mining for centuries. The town’s striking wooden structures, characterised by their dark, weathered facades and iconic red roofs, speak of the adaptability of human settlement in harsh climates. 

Røros’s remarkably preserved buildings, including miners’ cottages and smelting houses, align along narrow streets, inviting visitors to wander through living history. Beyond the town, the Circumference - an area once demarcated by a 17th-century decree giving mining rights - is an open-air testament to the industry that shaped the region, marked by remnants of mines, transport systems and refined cultural landscapes. Together, they echo the endurance and enterprise of Røros’s past inhabitants, standing proudly as a tribute to Scandinavia’s industrial heritage.  

Rock Art of Alta

Date of inscription: 1985

The Rock Art of Alta, located in the northern reaches of Norway, is a spectacular testament to a prehistoric narrative. Engraved and painted onto the rocky canvases of the region over a span of 5,000 years, the rock carvings are a UNESCO World Heritage site of profound historical significance. The thousands of images found here offer an invaluable insight into the lives and beliefs of people during the Neolithic and early Metal Ages. 

Scenes depicting hunting, fishing and figures in boats suggest a society inextricably linked to the harsh Arctic environment, reliant on the bounties of land and sea. The variety of carvings, some coloured with ochre, reveals a complex spiritual life, suggesting rituals and beliefs related to the natural world around them. This open-air gallery, strikingly set amidst the sublime landscapes of Alta, allows us a glimpse into humanity’s ancient past and stands as a rich, indelible record of prehistoric culture. 

Vegaøyan - The Vega Archipelago

Date of inscription: 2004

The Vegaøyan Archipelago is a UNESCO World Heritage site celebrated for its extraordinary interplay between human life and nature. Spread across a cluster of roughly 6,500 islands, islets and skerries, Vega boasts a history of human settlement dating back some 10,000 years. The islands, despite their apparent inhospitality, have sustained a way of life that stands as a testament to human ingenuity.

The community here has thrived through fishing and the unique tradition of eider duck down harvesting, showcasing a sustainable living and a deep respect for the archipelago’s delicate ecosystem. The landscapes here are a mosaic of untouched beaches, sheltered inlets and verdant moorlands, hosting an astonishing biodiversity. This balance of human tradition and natural habitat is what makes Vegaøyan an exemplary site of cultural heritage, chronicling a way of life where humans enhance rather than dominate the environment.  

Struve Geodetic Arc

Date of inscription: 2005

The Struve Geodetic Arc is a chain of survey triangulations stretching over 2,820 kilometres from Hammerfest in Norway to the Black Sea, through ten countries and over nearly two centuries. This UNESCO World Heritage site commemorates the monumental scientific endeavour led by the astronomer Freidrich Georg Wilhelm von Struve, which represented the first accurate measuring of a long segment of a meridian. 

Initiated in 1816 and completed in 1855, this network of survey points was essential in establishing the exact size and shape of the planet, significantly advancing our understanding of Earth’s geometrical form. In Norway, one of the original points of the arc is located in Hammerfest, a beacon for those interested in the history of science and geodesy. This heritage not only marks a technical and scientific feat but also symbolises a shared human endeavour transcending national borders in the pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment. 

West Norwegian Fjords - Geirangerfjord and Nærøyfjord

Date of inscription: 2005

The West Norwegian Fjords of Geirangerfjord and Nærøyfjord are nature’s masterpieces, nestled in the heartland of the fjord country. Recognised by UNESCO for their exceptional natural beauty, these ice-carved inlets are characterised by their deep blue waters, towering cliffs, cascading waterfalls and lush greenery. 

Geirangerfjord, with its serenity and dramatic waterfalls, epitomises the essence of raw, majestic nature. Nearby, Nærøyfjord, one of the narrowest fjords in Europe, offers a passage through steep mountainsides, reaching heights of up to 1,400 metres, dotted with age-old farms clinging to the cliffs.

Together, these fjords showcase a landscape of exceptional natural beauty, reflecting the climatic and geological diversity that creates the stunning fjords. The immense vertical rock walls and active cultural landscape illustrate the harmonious coexistence of humanity with nature, making them a haven for visitors and a site of scientific study. 

Rijukan-Notodden Industrial Heritage Site

Date of inscription: 2015

The Rijukan-Notodden Industrial Heritage Site captures a transformative era in Norway’s history, chronicling the advent of hydroelectric power to produce artificial fertiliser. Established in the early 20th century to meet the growing demands for agricultural productivity, the site includes power plants, factories, transport systems and company towns. 

The landscape is marked by impressive feats of engineering, like the Rijukan Waterfall, which was harnessed to power the pioneering saltpetre production. These sites epitomise the integration of industrial infrastructure with natural vistas, including the dramatic backdrop of gorges and the high plateau of Hardangervidda. The complex was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage site for illustrating the establishment of an industry based on natural resources and ocean energy, a groundbreaking shift that impacted global agriculture. The Rijukan-Notodden Industrial Heritage Site stands as a testament to human innovation in harnessing the power of nature for sustainable development. 

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